Lugging a huge belly around while managing a hyperactive toddler on my own and on a 24-7 basis, was rather a daunting task. Well that was my CNY, and after weighing myself this morning, it was quite worthwhile!
I haven't put on any weight after a week long of CNY feasting at my folks, but the most astounding thing I realise is the fact that I am now much fitter! Isn't that surprising considering my belly is getting bigger and I was constantly in pain for the last few months?
For 1 week, I was managing Eddie on my own from the moment he woke up till he went to bed. The walk up and down from my 3rd floor room was initially a breath taking task but by the end of the 1 week, I sometimes unconsciously jogged up the stairs to fetch an item. Putting him in and out of the car was another struggle and initially this hurt my back. I did not have much of a choice as even running into the chemist for 1 minute to enquire after an item required me to take him with me! Therefore on average I was strapping him into and out of his seat at least 10 times a day.
Eddie wouldn't let anyone else carry him, taking him out of the bath or put on his shoes for him which left me no choice as I was the sole candidate for the job. Don't forget these are the things everyone including the doctor told me not to do.
I was of course knackered by the end of the day but I also noticed that I slept better. In fact one night I slept ALL night without waking up! I even managed to turn in bed without waking myself to achieve the Herculean feat. My lower back no longer ache as much and my pelvis seems much more stable, though I have to remember not to rest Eddie's weight on my left hip (this is still a problematic area).
No wonder our moms and grandmothers did not complain much in the past despite being pregnant, with no help whatsoever, having to do the manual washing up, cooking, farming, and tending to the other 8 children. It was most common to be working up to the moment they had their babies, and they are up again running around after having their babies!
All-Round Workout for 31 wks Pregnant Woman with Twins
- Squats from putting on and off Eddie's shoes
- Carrying Eddie to 3rd floor for all-round stamina improvement
- Putting struggling Eddie into car seat strengtens lower back, but please remember to bend your knees
- Having a 10kg mound strapped to your belly of course increases your endurance and overall fitness! haha...