Wednesday, 19 May 2010

When the Clock Ticks Past Midnight

That was the most fearsome part of post natal, in my opinion. How on earth am I going to manage 2 babies in the middle of the night, and what if they both wake up at different times?

Thank goodness, they have been wonderful. They wake up only once between 11pm and 6am, and they do wake up together. And yes, you can bottle feed at the same time. Illustration another time.


  1. Thank God for that!
    Satu pun macam grumpy (well, that will be yours truly. LOL)
    Inikan pulak dua....
    Hugs and kisses for the girls..and the abang oso..

  2. oi, i teleponed u the other day tapi tak jawab pun... thank you khemy... girls are good, abang attending playschool. so all's well for now!
