Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Caught up!

Last 2 weeks had me worried as one was about 20% smaller than the other. After all, about 20% of twin pregnancy end up with only a singleton by the end of the first trimester. Size does matter to determine survival.
Today's check-up revealed that both are of the same size and they have got their individual placentas which is a very good thing. They are also most likely to be fraternal twins i.e. from 2 eggs and lets stay tuned for the gender in couple of months time.


  1. since my being preggers is now a bore.. (lamanye lagi 8 weeks...) m so excited bout yours.. hehe!

  2. wait till you're in your last few weeks, and especially you're overdue, lagi bored!!!!

    and that's when you are going to freak out. at least if you're early, it catches by surprise. but when your EDD comes and goes, you know that it's REALLY ANYTIME NOW. kekekeke....

  3. unlike me..when i was in labor room, then it struck me that "oh shit, i'm going to have it now, no turning back" because I wish i can turn back time and not pregnant..LOL..
