Monday, 25 January 2010

Big is Beautiful... in nude unless you can find the clothes

When I was pregnant with Eddie, I am very proud to mention that I did not buy any maternity clothes, and ESPECIALLY not maternity dresses. The only acceptable maternity clothing were work trousers and jeans.

It was just as well that 2 years ago, all the clothes that were in fashion then could be donned by very pregnant women. I did my shopping mainly at Mphosis (for black) and Forever 21.

This time round as much as I would love to own a bandage dress (only if I cut a hole for the paunch), the only dress I could possibly find to fit me is a baju kelawar. To make matters worse, my impossibly huge tummy cannot even fit into clothes that I wore when I was 8-9 months pregnant with Eddie. Did I mention that I am only 6 months pregnant tomorrow?


  1. oh poe, please don't terberanak on the plane balik kampung raya..

  2. that would save me lots of money tho!!!!
